This is the day I say goodbye to a person I knew. Our paths and priorities have changed, And our relationship will never be the same. You keep your news hidden from the person you call mom Perhaps because you’re afraid to drop the bomb Of love, cohabitation, engagement, and marriage. I see and hear […]

I am 6 months behind my writing schedule. The Universe has added several curves to my path since mid-December, which has distracted me from many of my activities. My last post was in early December and it was about my Tuxedo Terror and her first Christmas tree. I feel like I need to update and […]

At the request of friend, I am going to journal our experience of having a Christmas tree and a playful but mischievous tuxedo cat with ninja-like abilities with a high prey drive who is called Kitana. Kitana was named after Princess Kitana, a character from the Mortal Kombat game. She is a 4th generation barn […]

Selfies Check-ins Rants Declaration of love Things cooked, made, or bought   Why are we obsessed with sharing this information with “friends” and family?   Every three or four months, I need to take a break from social media.  I see a different side of acquaintances, friends, and family online than in person and it […]

I have a tendency to overfill my plate and then wonder why everything I piled on it falls to the floor and creates stress. How does one run an alternative lifestyle organization, maintain a full-time job, and continue to grow a power exchange dynamic with their significant other without robbing Peter to pay Paul? What […]

What do a refrigerator, bookshelf, and record shelf have in common? A) Things over 5′ that need dusting. B) Things Kitana can climb and leap from. C) Objects utilized in a new form of excercise for humans who take a mental health day. D) Objects used to wear out a kitten and her human. E) […]

It all started with a friend posting kitten pictures on her Facebook page.  The pictures reminded me of my cat who passed away three years ago.  After a month of discussions with my significant other regarding the the pros and cons of adding a kitten to our life, we reached an agreement and the little […]

Do you remember the TV show Home Improvement?   The main character, Tim Taylor played by Tim Allen,  was an accident-prone handyman who’s home improvement projects sometimes had disastrous results.  Well, I am the Tim Taylor of fixing things with Gorilla Glue.  Don’t believe me?  Here is a documented history of my misadventures with the evil […]

Hiding behind your screen Posting meme after meme. Quick-witted and overly friendly Frequently judging one too many. Wanting to be liked and pretending to not to care, But getting upset when receiving a glare. A gossiper extraordinaire Who enjoys making fun of what people wear. Ruffled because the news wasn’t heard first, No congratulations or […]